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Running education related businesses in Indonesia, is it possible?

Investing in the education services sector in Indonesia presents an opportunity for investors due to the continuous growth and development of the country's education system. With the rising collaboration and use of technology in the education system since the Corona pandemic, business opportunities in educational technology (Edu-Tech) are open for new ideas and competitive.

It is important to understand that formal education, such as playgroups, secondary schools and higher education and universities cannot be held under a profit oriented business (under a PT). This is governed under Government Regulation no. No. 6 of /2010 regarding Amendments to Government Regulation Number 17 of 2010 Concerning Education Management and Implementation, which stipulates that formal education services must be held under a Yayasan (Foundation) or Organization.

However, there are other opportunities and business prospects worth considering and can be held under profit oriented business such as PT:

  • Foreign Language Schools: The demand for English language proficiency and other foreign languages are high in Indonesia making language schools offering English and other languages a success. These schools can cater to students of all ages ranging from children to adults or even corporations.

  • Technical Training Institutes; Given the increasing need for labor in Indonesia technical training institutes that impart practical skills in fields such as IT, automotive, electricity, hospitality and healthcare can yield substantial profits.

  • Online Course Education Platforms; With Indonesia's population and growing internet usage there is a market for online education platforms. Creating elearning platforms that offer courses covering school subjects, acceleration programs etc.

  • Training and Development: Providing training and professional development programs for professionals can be a valuable service in Indonesia. Many educational institutions, corporates, and governments are keen on improving the skills of their people.

  • Education Consulting Services: This involves offering advice on aspects such as curriculum development, training programs and test evaluation services as well as exchange programs to educational institutions, government bodies, or other stakeholders in the education sector.

  • Edu-Tech Startups: Investing in Edu-Tech startups that develop educational apps, platforms, or tools can be a less capital-intensive way to enter the market. You can support the growth of innovative technologies that improve the education system.

When investing in Indonesia's education sector as a foreign investor, it's crucial to conduct thorough market research, understand local regulations and licensing requirements including the terms and conditions that must be fulfilled by foreigners who will invest in the education sector and establish strong partnerships with local stakeholders. Additionally, Indonesia's linguistic knowledge and country infrastructure are unfortunately not evenly spread. Hence, consider the cultural and linguistic diversity in Indonesia and tailor your educational offerings to specific regions or demographics. Lastly, keep in mind that the education sector is subject to government policies, so staying informed about changes in regulations is essential for long-term success.

For more information or inquiry you can contact our consultants.


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